RSVP NOW: Protect the Win for DA Price Weekend of Action

Weekend of Action - 12/16-12/17



Our democracy is under attack. The effort to overturn the election of DA Price, which started the day she was elected, has picked up force. The election deniers are exploiting people’s real concerns about the rise in crime in some of our cities and misleading them to believe that removing our first elected DA in 100 years will result in less crime. It won’t. The current wave of crime began way before DA Price was elected and is rooted in factors outside of the control of any District Attorney. 

It is time we come together as Democratic leaders and say NO MORE. No more lies and misinformation. No more attempts by those who lost the election to overturn the results. No more staying quiet while OUR democracy is at stake. 


It is our time to be DEMOCRACY DEFENDERS. 

Join the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee and dozens of Democratic Clubs for a weekend of action to #ProtectTheWin. 

Dec 16 (Day 1): 11:00 am-3:00 pm @ Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church (3535 38th Ave, Oakland, CA 94619)

Dec 17 (Day 2): 11:00 am-3:00 pm @ Bronco Billy's Pizza Palace (41200 Blacow Road, Fremont, CA 94538)


The agenda for both days will be as follows:

11:00 am-12:15 pm - Rally with Local Electeds – Jovanka Beckles, Kalimah Priforce, Vinnie Bacon, DA Price & more 

12:15 pm-12:45 pm - Games, Social Media Messages & Training

12:45 pm -1:00 pm - Grab Food & Travel 

1:00 pm-2:45 pm - Speak to voters at a North County location on Saturday and a South County location on Sunday, or stay at the rally location (aka homebase) and phonebank 

2:45 pm - 3:00 pm - Optional Return to Homebase to Debrief & Close

Please share this invitation with friends and family. Let’s make this holiday action a testament to what matters most – the safety and the wellbeing of our communities. This is a 2-day event but please do come even if you can only make it for one of the days. You can RSVP directly below and let Yoana know if you need a ride ([email protected]). 



December 16, 2023 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm - December 17, 2023 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 



Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church (Day 1) & Bronco Billy's Pizza Palace (Day 2)



Courtney Hinton · [email protected]


December 16, 2023 at 11:00am - December 17, 2023


Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church (Day 1) & Bronco Billy's Pizza (Day 2)
3535 38th Ave
Oakland, CA 94619
United States
Google map and directions


Courtney Hinton ·


Will you come?