Green Sunday Presentation - Protecting the Win with Pamela Price, Alameda County District Attorney


before profit! 

Green Party Alameda County


An attack on our progressive District Attorney Pamela Price is being mounted that mirrors the attack on San Francisco's progressive DA Chesa Boudin. 

Please review the Open Letter from the Green Party in support of DA Pamela Price.

This appears to be part of a coordinated national attack on prosecutorial reform funded by the same corporate and pro-police deep-pocket interests that have used media blitzes to attack protestors in Black Lives Matter, to attack protestors of Cop City in Atlanta, to attack prison and police reform nationwide, and to promote the militarization of police. Their use of fear-mongering incentivizes DAs to over-charge for career advancement and is not only cruel and discriminatory, but has created a costly prison system that takes money away from our schools, our parks, and our pay checks.

Alameda County voted to reform this unjust system of overcharging by DAs by electing Pamela Price, and entrenched interests of the prison industrial complex are trying to overturn that vote. 

The narrative put forward by those supporting the recall is that DA Price is encouraging the crime wave that we have been experiencing by abandoning the practice of enhanced charges and onerous sentencing. But if heavy handed policing and harsh sentencing were effective policies, we would not have the current crisis, because that is what our police and prosecutors have been doing for over three decades.

This recall effort will further divide the public and damage what little credibility local government has left, and is a major assault on both democracy and progressive politics.

On November 12, District Attorney Pamela Price will talk about "Protecting the Win", and how we can help oppose the recall attempt -- please join us for this urgent event.

Register in advance for this event:

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In a time when we face relentless attempts to undermine the work of DA Price, your support is a crucial ingredient in our fight to protect our democracy. 



November 12, 2023 at 5:00pm - 7pm


Don Macleay · · 510-290-1200